Shonia did spiritual counseling session with me , that included reiki and a tarot reading. She was accurate with everything she said. I was relieved to know I am moving it the right direction.
The reiki session helped calm me and see my purpose clearer. She shows compassion and is easy to talk too. I am ready for my happiness life coaching.
Select Spiritual Counseling from the professionals menu and select the state that you are looking to locate Spiritual Counseling in. After you have located your state, find the city that you will need Spiritual Counseling in. Select the state and city and you will see a list of Spiritual Counseling in your city and state. Find the best Reiki Therapy near you on Yelp - see all Reiki Therapy open now.
This site is intended to provide users with general information. As a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, my training is based on a model of wellness. I recognize that each person is an individual with biological, psychological and spiritual aspects to their being.
I am well versed in health and nutrition, recognizing the value in a healthy body and a peaceful mind. We have a strong conviction that the goal of therapy should include both psychological and spiritual wholeness, though in different proportions depending on the setting, theory of the therapists and expectations of the client. In our judgment the best way to accomplish this goal is through faith oriented qualified therapist.
Browse our extensive directory of the best Therapists , Psychologists and Counselors near you. Social psychologists study how a person’s mental life and behavior are shaped by interactions with other people. Sport psychologists help athletes refine their focus on competition goals, become more motivate and learn to deal with anxiety and fear of failure around competition. Therapists who are aware of therapeutic strategies based in spirituality, such as spiritual journaling or forgiveness protocols, may also be able to provide people in therapy with resources on.
Find additional resources that can help you reach your professional goals along the way. Best Psychologists near you. Whether it’s spiritual , emotional, physical, mental and we can help. I have been a massage therapist for years and I absolutely LOVE what I do.

I have a very intuitive nature and my hands always guide me. A spiritual psychologist blends spiritulaity and science. This professional uses elements of traditional psychology and spirituality to help you to feel more content about your life. Work Environment Many spiritual psychologists work in churchs, rehab centers and mental health clinics. Where I Can Get Online Clearance Deals on Spiritual Psychologists Near Me Save More!
Find a Therapist , Psychologist , Counselor - Psychology Today. There are no strict education requirements for starting a spiritual counseling career, and the backgrounds of many spiritual psychologists are very diverse. What Does a Spiritual Psychologist Do? The main duty of a spiritual psychologist is to counsel people and help them to achieve spiritual wellbeing as well as mental and emotional wellbeing.
Many of the patients who seek help from a spiritual psychologist are going through spiritual crises.
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