Additionally, treatment for maternal depression that includes both the child and the parent, such as family counseling, may also be paid for under EPSDT. While Medicaid programs are permitted to pay for these services, states must affirmatively act to implement coverage. A standardized and validated tool is recommended for screening for maternal depression. Screening Tools A number of validated screening tools are available, including both provider- and patient-administered instruments, and tools designed for screening a general adult population as well as those developed specifically for maternal depression. At this time, no single screening tool is recommended by U. To find postpartum depression screening tools for use by healthcare providers, please click this link.
It will take you outside of our website to the MedEdPPD website, a project funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. For more in-depth information, including algorithms. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (the College) recommends that obstetrician–gynecologists and other obstetric care providers screen patients at least once during the perinatal period for depression and anxiety symptoms using a standardize validated tool. How to screen for postpartum depression?
What are the assessment tools for depression? Postnatal Depression Scale ( EPDS ) is a valuable and effici ent way of identifying patients at risk for “perinatal” depression. What is the CPT code for a depression screening? Maternal Depression Screening.
The qualifications to administer maternal depression screening are instrument-specific. Refer to the instrument’s manual or instructions to determine qualifications. Record the name of the completed screening instrument and that you performed the screening as a “risk assessment” in the child’s medical record. Below there is a map that highlights state Medicaid policies around maternal depression screening during well-child visits, including reimbursement. Phase Code Matrix - Screening Tools Purpose: The matrix is a tool to describe the requirements for selected billing codes.
It is assumed licensed health care professionals will only use codes to bill for services that are within their scope of licensure as defined by the Department of Health. The rest of the SWYC at these three ages is identical to the generic SWYC. The SWYC is a comprehensive screening instrument used to assess children’s cognitive, language, motor, and social-emotional development as well as family risk factors. This scoring instrument is questions (one page) where the mother selects how she feels.

If using this scoring tool , a score above is considered to be suffering from depressive illness. Preliminary findings indicated that PDMP could incorporate formal maternal depression diagnosis assessment by (1) training providers, (2) streamlining the assessment process, (3) providing a user friendly assessment tool , (4) incorporating the screen into clinic flow, and (5) creating easy documentation via a checklist at the end of the assessment tool. Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is the most common screening tool to identify depression. The MacArthur Foundation Initiative on Depression and Primary Care has created a Depression Tool kit is intended to help primary care clinicians recognize and manage depression. State Medicaid agencies may cover maternal depression screening as part of a well-child visit.
In addition to screenings, states must also cover any medically necessary treatment for the child as part of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefit. SCREENING FOR PRENATAL AND POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Valid screening tools are available. The three self-assessment tools described in Figure are easy to use. Two of the assessments are available in Spanish (the CES-D and EPDS).

The statements can be read to women who have difficulty reading. It has been recommended that healthcare professionals working with the perinatal population use the EPDS as an integral part of their assessment for depression. This is a 10-item, assessment tool that is valid and reliable for detecting postpartum depression.
This screening tool is user-friendly, easy to administer and easy to score. This is not intended to provide a diagnosis – only trained health professionals should do this.
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