Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Depression of definition

Fortunately, it is also treatable. Low levels of consumer confidence during times of depression generally result in a severe drop in consumer demand and spending. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be wished away. Depression is not the same as a passing blue mood. A depression is a severe and prolonged downturn in economic activity.

It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working.

To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It may feature sadness, difficulty in thinking and concentration and a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping. Compare clinical depression.

You might have slowed speech and movements, too. The reason is that brain chemicals linked to depression ,. What does depression mean? Oxford Dictionaries as Feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

A long and severe recession in an economy or market.

COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. It is a more severe economic downturn than a recession, which is a slowdown in economic activity over the course of a normal business cycle. In economics, a depression is a sustaine long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods. Clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or more.

Yet, depression is a highly treatable illness, with psychotherapy, coping and cognitive-behavioral techniques, and medication. How to use depressive in a sentence. In pregnancy there are chief physiological as well as psychological episode. Pregnancy and depression influence each other.

Roosevelt responded to the economic calamity with programs known as the New Deal. The difference between the two terms is not very well understood for one simple reason: There is not a universally agreed upon definition. If you ask 1different economists to define the terms recession and depression , you would get at least 1different. Official Patient Site - Find Helpful Product Information Including Boxed Warning.

Profound depression may be an illness itself, such as major depressive disorder (see also mood disorders), or it may be symptomatic of another psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia. Someone has called it the “common cold” of the emotions. It’s a feeling of gloom or sadness that is usually accompanied by a slowing down of the body.

Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience a few symptoms, some many.

Severity of symptoms varies among individuals and also varies over time. A loss of interest in activities or feeling sad and down are symptoms that characterize this condition. Even though most people feel sad or down for brief periods, calinical depression is more than just feeling sad. Many people think that depression just means a person is very sad.

However, depression can cause many symptoms in the body as well as mood problems. It can be long lasting or recurrent, substantially impairing a person’s ability to function at work or school, or cope with daily life.

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