During an episode of TGA , a person is not able to make new memories. The person may be disoriented in regard to time and place, but can remember who they are and can recognize family members. You may not be able to remember information or experiences from the recent past, or remember new information. For example, you may not know where you are or how you got there.
You may not remember information you are tol and you may repeat the same questions. During a TGA episode, a person cannot form new memories (a condition called anterograde amnesia ) and has difficulty recalling recent memories (a condition called retrograde amnesia ). Sometimes transient global amnesia may be triggered by emotional events. Postural changes, high altitude, strenuous exercise or bearing down may also precipitate an episode. Although patients may be disoriente not know where they are or be confused about time, they are otherwise alert, attentive and have normal thinking abilities. Transient global amnesia ( TGA ) is a sudden, temporary interruption of short-term memory.
Clinically, it manifests with a paroxysmal, transient loss of memory function. This includes the inability to form new memories and recall events that happened. Affected patients exhibit no other signs of impaired cognitive functioning and have no focal deficits. Treatment is generally not required.

Though the loss of memory may be frightening, in general memory restores in less than hours without any residual symptoms. Diagnosis is primarily clinical but includes laboratory tests and CT, MRI, or both. The amnesia typically remits spontaneously but may recur. There is no specific treatment, but underlying abnormalities are corrected. The person isn’t able to create new memories and they have trouble remembering things from the recent past.
The rest of the cognitive functions (consciousness, personal identity, attention…) remain intact. Most symptoms are transient and resolve within a few hours. It is a temporary lapse in memory that can never be retrieved.

It’s as if the brain is on overload and takes a break to. Migraine is associated with a higher risk of transient global amnesia : a nationwide cohort study. Patients are often disoriented in regard to time and place but usually not personal identity. The ICDCode for this disorder is 437.
Amnesia means a loss of memory. Objective: Our main objective is to analyze the epidemiological features of the event and its complementary studies, searching for factors of recurrence. Global means that the loss of memory is severe and often total. Migraine history, cardiovascular risk factors, and emotional stress are considered possible.
Background and Purpose The purpose of the present study was to make an attempt to ascertain the etiology of transient global amnesia (TGA), which is still disputed more than years after the firs. The incidence is higher in people years of age and older. The etiology of this form of amnesia remains unclear, but certain triggers have been identified (e.g., strenuous physical exercise, psychological stress). This disease is mainly affected on elder person.
Several arguments have been proposed to reject a substantial role of alterations in venous drainage of the brain in the genesis of transient global amnesia (TGA). However, these criteria are not routinely applied in other common medical conditions. The condition goes away almost as quickly as it appears: it lasts less than a day, causes no long-term damage and has a low recurrence rate. TGA lasts less than h, and is not associated with other focal neurological signs or symptoms. In patients with TGA, there is also retrograde amnesia for days, months, or years before the attack.
People experiencing TGA remember who. Other cognitive functions (attention, language, perception) are preserved. It presents classically with an abrupt onset of severe anterograde amnesia.
Patients with this condition are often described – wrongly – as being confused. It is usually accompanied by repetitive questioning.
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