Assess self-reported key symptoms of depression. Support early identification and diagnosis. Conduct clinical research. This depression inventory can be self-scored. The scoring scale is at the end of the questionnaire.
I am not particularly discouraged about the future. It can be used for screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of therapeutic progress in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The cost is $which includes the manual and record forms. To measure the severity of depression in adults and adolescents. The Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Beck AT, Steer RA, Brown GK. Items from the BDI-A were rewritten, new items corresponding to DSM-IV Depression criteria were adde and the timeframe was changed from week to weeks to correspond to the DSM-IV. Borderline clinical depression.
INTERPRETING THE BECK ANXIETY INVENTORY (BAI) Not At All = 0. Scoring Key Mildly = 1. This will help you and your clinician track your progress. Discussion includes the stability of depression and the need for multiple assessment periods, specificity and the need for multiple assessment measures, and selection cut scores and the need for terminological. If, after taking any of these assessments, you feel you really may be clinically depresse then consider reaching out to a depression hotline, or find a mental health professional in your area.