What to Never Say to someone with depression? How do I support someone depressed? A reminder from a friend or loved one that, indee they’re not alone and they are loved can be invaluable. Research has shown that people tend to withdraw when they are depressed , so reaching out to a friend in need is an important first step.

What do you say to someone who’s depressed ? All too often, it’s the wrong thing. People still have such a cloudy idea of what mental illness is,” Kathleen Brannon, of Herndon, Virginia. If someone tells you they have depression, know that they are showing you part of the beautiful, messy, unpredictable frailties that come with being human.
It can be difficult to know what to say to someone who is depressed , but know that it’s unlikely you can make anything worse. The stigma of depression often leads to social isolation because the depressed person believes no one understands what it’s like to be depressed. By avoiding social interaction, people with depression don’t have to confront the stigma or explain their struggle over and over again. Sometimes company is the best medicine for someone that is depressed.
Showing that you care and will always be there for them is a wonderful way to express this. Always lend a ear to listen to what they have to say, this will help them feel important and heard. A depressed person legitimately can’t function like a mentally health person.
Pestering or shaming them about it will only hurt, not help. Depression can be a lethal illness. They become part of some people , just like the physical scars they bear.
And others just want to bin each episode and move on. When someone says they’re depressed. There’s no perfect way to respond when someone talks to you about something like depression.
Just listening with an open mind can help them feel understood and supported. This can be hard to believe when depresse but can also be incredibly helpful in a crisis. Even science has backed up the importance of social support. Even if they say nothing needs to be done, they have heard you.
Having a supportive person to talk to when you’re feeling depressed can really help ease the symptoms a little. In my opinion, avoiding the subject is the worst tactic. Because depression is an invisible disease (people don’t necessary appear “depressed”), there is a stigma surrounding the disease. Saying things like “it’s not that big of a deal,” “you just need some fresh air,” or “it’s time to move on” rarely help. A suicidal or severely depressed person may not have the energy or motivation to find help.
It can be hard for anyone to hear when someone they care about is depressed. If you have thoughts of suicide, what do you wish someone would say to you if you told them? If you have ever helped a suicidal friend or family member, what responses from you seemed to foster sharing, connection, and.
There are many other helpful responses besides those listed here.
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