If this is positive, the PHQ - can then be use which has sensitivity and specificity in adults. Over the last weeks , how often have you been bothered by the following problems? Welcome to your Patient Health. Therapy for depression in London and Kent. Multiply that number by the value indicated below, then add the subtotal to produce a total score.
The possible range is 0-27. Use the table below to interpret the PHQ - score. A PHQ - score ≥ has a sensitivity of and a specificity of for major depression.
Since the questionnaire relies on patient self-report, the practitioner should verify all responses. CUESTIONARIO SOBRE LA SALUD DEL PACIENTE- ( PHQ - ) Durante las últimas semanas, ¿qué tan seguido ha tenido molestias debido a los siguientes problemas? How do you score a PHQ 9? What is the PHQ questionnaire? Learn more about the questions, the score interpretation and first aid in depressive conditions below the tool.
The tallied score indicates the severity of the patient’s depression. The video demonstrations show a care manager administering the PHQ - to a primary care patient in the initial visit and in the follow-up visit. It has modules on mood ( PHQ - ), anxiety, alcohol, eating, and somatoform disorders. The PHQ is 59-question instrument.
The nine items of the PHQ - are based directly on the nine diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). Scoring the PHQ - modified for Teens Scoring the PHQ - modified for teens is easy but involves thinking about several different aspects of depression. If you checked off any problem on this questionnaire so far, how difficult.
It is one of the most validated tools in mental health and can be a powerful tool to assist clinicians with diagnosing depression and monitoring treatment response. PHQ - : Lista de verificación de nueve síntomas Derechos de propiedad intelectual de Pfizer Inc. PHQ-— Nine Symptom Checklist.
Herramientas Puede imprimirse sin autorización Nombre del paciente Fecha 1. Indique con qué frecuencia le han afectado los siguientes problemas durante las últimas dos semanas. The following questions are a screening focusing on symptoms of depression. Please read each question carefully, then select the answer that indicates how much you have been bothered by that problem in the past weeks. They incorporate DSM-IV depression criteria with other leading major depressive symptoms into a brief self-report instruments that are commonly used for screening and. Of importance: the PHQ - is effective as a screening tool, but it does not replace seeing a medical professional for diagnosis and recommendations.
Depression Screening ( PHQ - ) - Instructions. This depression test is usually completed within 2-minutes. Access to society journal content varies across our titles.
If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. PHQ - is a questionnaire that has been created to help understand the severity of depression. Medical practitioners use it to understand each patient and make a diagnosis.

Can I take the PHQ - online ? For each symptom put an “X” in the box beneath the answer that best describes how you have been feeling. PHQ - Scoring Instructions and Interpretation Scoring Add the scores indicated for each item in each column and add the columns together for the Total score. Patient Health Questionnaire ( phq - ) Form Is Often Used In Phq - Form, Medical Forms And Medical. Patients who screen positive should be further evaluated with the PHQ - to determine whether they meet criteria for a depressive disorder. Disclaimer: This page provides links to the PHQ - in multiple languages.
Where any additional information is available, it has been included.
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